Immunological Approach

The immune system is our body’s natural defense, a system that has evolved over thousands of years, adapting to the different environments to which the human body has been exposed.

The immune system is made up of a complex network of specialized cells that interact with each other to protect the body from any type of threat. There are diseases such as Cancer, HIV (AIDS) or Diabetes, which suppress our immune system leaving it vulnerable to the progression of the disease or any other type of threat.

At Omsana Health we integrate a series of therapies focused on the stimulation of the immune system, so that the patient’s body is able to generate an effective anti-tumor response, against the cancer cells in their body.

Integrative immunotherapy approaches aim to optimize the immune system to enhance the effects of conventional immunotherapy and improve outcomes for cancer patients. These therapies can help to reduce side effects, enhance immune function, and improve overall well-being.

By combining conventional immunotherapy with integrative therapies, cancer patients may experience a more comprehensive and individualized approach to treatment that addresses not only the disease, but also the person as a whole.

Working with a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable in both conventional and integrative treatments at Omsana Health can help patients create a personalized treatment plan that best fits their needs and goals.


Immunological Approach:
-Coley Vaccine
-Natural Killers Cell Activators
-Therapy with Oriental Mushroom Extracts

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Coley Vaccine

Dr. William Coley, an American physician from Connecticut, was one of the first to use bioengineering of the immune system for cancer treatment.

His idea was to use the response of specialized cells and biomolecules of our own immune system to an activation stimulus.

Activation was induced by inoculation with the Coley vaccine, which contains fragments of inactivated organisms that generate an anti-tumor cellular response against cancer cells, thus using the same resources of the immune system to treat the disease.

This is why Dr. William Coley is considered one of the pioneers in the use of Immunotherapy against cancer.

Medical Center Tijuana

How does it work?

The vast majority of cancer patients are in a state of immunosuppression, this state is generated by cancer cells to inhibit the response of our immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to disease progression.

With the use of the Coley Vaccine we will activate specific immune cells to generate an effective antitumor response.

In addition during this cellular activation there will be an increase in the patient’s body temperature, producing hyperthermia with temperatures above 38 C or 100 F, this is an environment where cancer cells are more fragile and can be destroyed more easily.

Immunological Effect

The reaction produced by the Coley vaccine in the organism consists of creating an antitumor response in the immune system, with the activation of specialized cells such as Lymphocytes, Macrophages, Natural Killers Cells, among others.

In addition, a production of immunomodulatory biomolecules is stimulated, such as interleukins IL-2, IL-6 or Prostaglandin E, the latter stimulates the hypothalamus raising the patient’s body temperature, causing fever up to 105 F or 40 C (Hyperthermia).

The activation of these specialized cells and the production of this series of biomolecules generate a response directed towards the tumor tissue, damaging it and preventing its spread throughout the body.


Hyperthermia is an alternative therapy that involves heating the body to a temperature between 40 and 44 degrees Celsius to treat cancer. The increased temperature can kill cancer cells and also stimulate the immune system to fight the disease. Hyperthermia can be used alone or in combination with other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The therapy can be applied locally, such as by inserting a probe directly into the tumor, or regionally, by heating a larger area of the body. The goal of hyperthermia is to improve treatment outcomes while minimizing side effects, and it has shown promising results in some studies.

Hyperthermia can be a valuable complement to conventional cancer treatments, as it can enhance their effects and reduce the need for high doses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Additionally, hyperthermia is a non-toxic therapy that can be used alongside other holistic and alternative treatments. Integrating hyperthermia with other complementary therapies such as nutrition and exercise, can further improve the body’s ability to fight cancer, enhance overall well-being, and improve quality of life. While hyperthermia may not work for everyone, it can be an important tool in the treatment of cancer and may provide hope for those who are seeking alternatives to conventional treatments.

One type of hyperthermia is called whole-body hyperthermia (WBH), which involves heating the entire body to a controlled temperature. WBH can help activate the immune system, which can aid in the fight against cancer cells, and also promote detoxification and healing.

Additionally, WBH can help alleviate side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy, such as nausea and fatigue. WBH is typically administered in a clinical setting, and it is important to work with a qualified healthcare professional who is experienced in hyperthermia treatments to ensure safe and effective care. With the growing interest in alternative and holistic treatments, hyperthermia may offer a new approach to cancer treatment that can benefit patients in their journey towards healing.

Natural Killers Cells Activators

Natural Killer cells are a lymphocyte cell line that is part of the innate immunity in our organism.

Their function is to destroy infected cells or cancer cells by damaging their cell membrane. Unlike other types of immune system cells, Natural Killer cells do not require antibody signaling to direct their cytotoxic attack; they can initiate their cytotoxicity directly upon recognizing a cancer cell by means of their membrane receptors.

Like other types of immune cells in the cancer patient, Natural Killer cells are affected by the immunosuppression mechanisms produced by cancer cells. Therefore, during cancer, these and other cells are inhibited, affecting their cytotoxic function against tumor cells.

At Omsana Health we have developed protocols with a series of natural stimulators for the activation of this lymphocyte cell line. These protocols are integrated with other therapies to activate the immune system in the patient.

Selenium Protocol

Selenium works by protecting cells from oxidative damage and by regulating DNA repair and synthesis. Additionally, selenium has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and induce apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells.

It is an essential trace element which must be consumed in the diet. This trace element has many functions in our body, but as far as immunostimulation is concerned it has been found that a supplement of 200 micrograms of selenium daily, stimulate the lymphocyte cell line especially the Natural Killer Cells, promote cell phagocytosis in our body, and stimulate the migration of immune cells to the area of injury.

This protocol is implemented for 3 weeks in our clinic and its continuation will depend on the patient’s response.

Protocol with Melatonin

Melatonin has been identified as a promising natural and holistic anti-cancer therapy due to its potent anti-cancer effects. The hormone has been shown to induce cancer cell death, reduce cancer cell proliferation, and inhibit tumor growth.

Additionally, melatonin’s antioxidant properties help to neutralize harmful free radicals that can cause cellular damage and contribute to the development of cancer.

As a natural substance produced by the body, melatonin is generally safe and well-tolerated, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking complementary cancer treatments.

While melatonin is not a cure for cancer on its own, it can complement other conventional cancer therapies, and its use as part of a holistic cancer protocol has shown promising results in improving patient outcomes.

Gc-MAF (Glycoprotein-Macrophage Activating Factor)

In our immune system there is a great variety of cells and proteins with different specialized functions, in charge of activating the different types of mechanisms necessary for the protection of our body.

Protection from external threats such as bacterial or viral infections, as well as from internal threats such as autoimmune diseases or the inhibition of oncogenes, thus avoiding their evolution to a cancerous process.

It is the union of these components that integrate our immune system and its adequate response is vital for the survival of our system.

The activation of immune cells, in this case macrophages, can be by different mechanisms, on the one hand, by direct recognition (pathogen-cell) or by activation by immunomodulatory proteins.

Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) is a protein produced in the liver. And the function for which it was named is for the transport of vitamin D metabolites, this being one of its many functions. In 1991, Dr. Nobuto Yamamoto began to describe the various functions in which this protein participated, such as being a precursor of the Macrophage Activating Factor (MAF), indispensable for an effective immune response, thus maintaining a balance in our system. In addition to being a precursor for macrophage activation, this activator protein has been shown to decrease the formation of blood vessels (angiogenesis) in tumor development, decreasing the energy supply to cancer cells, thus slowing their metabolism and slowing their progression.

During certain pathological conditions such as cancer, it has been demonstrated that in the affected cells there is an increase in the production of an enzyme called N-alpha-acetylgalactosaminidase also known as Nagalase, this enzyme degrades the Vitamin D transporter protein (VDBP), decreasing its bioactivity and reducing the activation of macrophages in the antitumor response, thus limiting the reaction of these immune cells, creating an ideal environment for the development of cancer cells.

Dr. Yamamoto was able to produce an analog of this protein which he named Gc-MAF (Glycoprotein-Macrophage Activating Factor). Today there is extensive research on its use in multiple pathological conditions including cancer, due to the immunological and antitumor mechanisms in which it has been shown to be involved.

Therapy with Oriental Mushroom Extracts

The use of medicinal mushrooms began hundreds of years ago in ancient oriental medicine, where their use was associated with a long and healthy life.

In recent decades, countries such as China, Japan and the United States have conducted studies describing the role that these mushrooms can play in the treatment of cancer and other diseases with promising results.

There are different species of medicinal mushrooms that can be used in the treatment of cancer.

At Omsana Health we use in our treatments the extract of three species of oriental mushrooms cultivated in the south of Mexico: Shiitake, Maitake and Reishi all three with their own effects on cancer cells and our immune system.

How does it work?

Maitake Mushroom
(Grifola Frondosa)

Research on the Maitake mushroom has isolated a bioactive substance called Maitake DFraction.

This D-fraction is a molecule that has been shown to be bioactive in the body, activating the immune system and triggering an antitumor response by stimulating specialized cells and releasing cytokines.

Immunological effects: Immunomodulatory effects are generated when D-fraction activates a receptor located in the membrane of specialized cells such as Lymphocytes, Macrophages, Dendritic Cells and Natural Killer Cells, besides stimulating the production of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12), Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) and Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) which are necessary molecules for an effective immune response.

The antitumor effects demonstrated by the D-Fraction of the Maitake mushroom are involved in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and slowing their spread throughout the body.

At Omsana Health we use a concentrated extract of the D-Fraction of the Maitake mushroom for the stimulation of the immune system and inhibition of cancer cell growth, as well as including it in the diet with dishes prepared with fresh organically grown Maitake mushroom.

Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinus Edodes)

Shiitake Musrhoom or Lentinus Edodes is the second largest cultivated and the most popular edible mushroom in the world known as “Xianggu” in China and “Shiitake” in Japan. Its anticancer effects were described in the 1960s, when it was possible to isolate the βGlucan molecule, which is the bioactive agent that produces the antitumor response in our system.

Antitumoral effects: The β-Glucan from the Shiitake mushroom inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells by activating programmed cell death (apoptosis) through different pathways.

One of the mechanisms by which β-Glucan triggers cancer cell death is through the activation of the caspases-3 enzyme complex, these enzymes control cell population by inducing programmed cell death in old, infected or mutated cancer cells in our body.

Another pathway in which β-Glucan inhibits cancer proliferation is through stimulation of the p53 gene, this gene is considered as “the protector of the genome”, suppressing cells with mutations that can transform into cancer cells.

The effect on tumor circulation, βGlucan inhibits angiogenesis (creation of new blood vessels) by restricting tumor nutrition and inhibiting tumor growth.

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum)

Reishi mushroom or Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum) is a natural medicine that is widely used and recommended by Asian physicians for its supporting effects on immune system.

Laboratory research and a handful of preclinical trials have suggested that G. lucidum carries promising anticancer and immunomodulatory properties.

Studies suggest that the antitumor activities of G. lucidum polysaccharide (GLPS) are mediated by its immunomodulatory, antiangiogenic and cytotoxic effects.

GLPS activates immune cells and immune-related cells such as B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages and natural killer cells. In addition, recent data also suggest that GLPS suppresses tumorigenesis or inhibits tumor growth through a direct cytotoxic effect and anti-angiogenic actions.

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